Rachel Felber

User Journey
Entering the Booth
As the user enters the booth, they can see various eye-catching signage explaining the event. Physical signage will explain the different booth features. Digital signage will be mounted on the 5G tower with screens looping AIVIA content. A digital display will play pre-recorded content of the VR experiences for the general booth audience to watch.
User Journey
A networking space will include a seating area where users can rest, recharge phones and chat with an available Cintra representative.

Finding Common Features
After the three T-charts were completed, each chart was organized to find the overlapping features. These features were then used when concepting for the final booth design.
From there, the features from the venn-diagram were placed into three separate T-charts, based on Low-High Value to the attendee, Low-High Value to Ferrovial (Cintra) and Low-High Originality. This helped us prioritize the most important features.

User Journey
High-Level Overview
Once concepts were refined, a high-level user journey was created. It begins by building hype and awareness pre-CES event with a teaser preview video on social media, as well as paid articles on web. The user journey is then broken into various touchpoints within the booth, ending with a post-event takeaway.
UX Lead
CES 2023
Figma, Miro
Initial Concepts
After a few thought-starter working sessions with the client, two concepts for the booth were narrowed down.

CES Booth Target Audience
With over 100,000 attendees to CES annually, target audiences were prioritized for the Cintra booth.
Proto-personas were created for industry attendees, Department of Transportation employees, vehicle OEMs, tech journalists and general attendees in order to understand their pain points and goals.
From this information, we decided to create a post-event survey for attendees to ask questions and provide feedback on what smart road features they are most excited for.
Cintra - AR and VR Booth Concepts
Cintra, a subsidiary of Ferrovial, is a global leader in private transportation infrastructure development with over $24 billion invested globally in roadway improvements.
With an upcoming CES event, we were asked to create an immersive experience within their booth, in order to educate attendees on Cintra's AIVIA smart road technology.
User Journey
VR Ride-Along
The user will sit in one of the VR “Car Pod” seats located at the center of the booth and put on the virtual reality headset. They will then select one real-life scenario to experience in VR. The ride-along simulation will include moments of dynamic decision making.

VR Scenario: Running Late to Work
Via the Connected Vehicle experience and Horizon 1 technology (2020-2022)
Quick-Time Event:
A quick-time event where the user will have to correctly react to the incoming AIVIA alert to change lanes to avoid the upcoming obstruction.
Correctly Avoiding Collision:
A collision will not be shown, but a screen will appear alerting the user that a collision has occurred and the ETA to work has increased. The screen will briefly explain how using AIVIA tech could have avoided the collision.
ETA Calculation:
At the end of the simulation, the user who selected all the correct answer choices will see that they made it to work on time. If the user did not select all the correct choices, they will see how it affected their ETA and how late they are to work.

VR Scenario: Morning Doctor's Appointment
Via the Autonomous Vehicle and Horizon 2 an3 technology (2022-future)
Quick-Time Event:
A quick-time event where the user will have to correctly react to the incoming AIVIA alert to employ platooning and avoid traffic.
Correctly Avoiding Traffic:
If the user does not listen to AIVIA's alert, a screen will appear alerting the user that they are now stuck in traffic and the ETA has increased. The screen will briefly explain how using AIVIA tech could have avoided waiting in stopped traffic.
ETA Calculation:
At the end of the simulation, the user who selected all the correct choices will see that they made it to their appointment on time. If the user did not select all the correct answer choices, they will see how it affected their ETA and how they are late to their appointment.
User Journey
Augmented Reality Overlay
There are two options for the augmented reality experience - the LIDAR Intersection or the AR Sandbox.
The LIDAR Intersection is a physical crosswalk installment. Scanning the image target on the crosswalk with a tablet located on a stand will show an AR overlay on top of the physical installment. Users will see rays emanating from the stoplight onto the crosswalk, showcasing AIVIA's LIDAR (light detection and ranging) technology.
The AR Sandbox is a tabletop with several image targets. Scanning an image target on the tabletop with a tablet located on a stand will trigger the AR overlay on top. Users will see use-case examples of AIVIA's smart road technology within a 3D city environment.

LIDAR Intersection
AR Overlay Option 1
The AR overlay will show AIVIA's digital infrastructure laid on top of the physical intersection. The AR overlay will include blurb information and iconography explaining how the digital infrastructure and AIVIA tech works.
The user will be able to pick up the tablet (attached to the stand with a security wire) and move it around to see the AR overlay.
Example: LIDAR rays emanating from the stoplight. scan the crosswalk and pick up a crossing pedestrian. A blurb with information about how the LIDAR sensors scan the crosswalk to help drivers avoid pedestrians and obstructions.

AR Sandbox
AR Overlay Option 2
The AR overlay will show AIVIA's digital infrastructure laid on top of the 3D model diagram of the roadway. It will include blurb information and iconography explaining how the digital infrastructure and AIVIA tech works.
The user will see cars within the AR experience riding along the roadway. Cars using AIVIA will safely avoid obstacles and bypass traffic.
The user will be able to pick up the tablet (attached to the stand with a security wire) and move it around to see the AR overlay
Example: The user scans an image target on the tabletop with the tablet. Within the tablet, they will see the AR overlay of the 5G towers sending out signals to the AIVIA cars which safely navigate around a roadway obstruction. The cars that do not use AIVIA will be stuck behind the obstruction. The user will then move to the next tablet station to view a different AIVIA use case scenario.
What are AIVIA Smart Roads?
Imagine the highways of the future with faster drive times, fewer accidents and reliable, instant safety alerts.
Smart roads or connected corridors are roadways built or fitted with advanced features, including sensors that monitor and report real-time road conditions and WiFi transmitters that provide broadband services to vehicles, as well as special physical and digital twin features that will allow for automated vehicles in the future.
Ferrovial and Cintra, together with top-tier global tech firms, are working on AIVIA, a connected smart road initiative which is helping to manage this transition – maximizing the utility CAVs can bring while providing benefits for all road users.

User Journey
Post-Event AR Takeaway
Users will scan a QR Code on a physical takeaway like a coaster or card that will launch a WebAR application.
The user would tap to place the scene on a flat surface to see a looping 3D scene of one of AIVIA's use case scenarios.
The call to action will be to view the AIVIA Smart Road website to learn more.
Example: Inclement weather or boxes on the road.
Future Iteration: Possibility to tap to cycle through multiple scenarios and to show Horizon 1, 2, 3 via multiple QR Codes.

Ultimately the client liked both concepts and wanted to combine features. To solve for this, we created a working session to help define those features. After brainstorming different immerse technology for both concepts, they were plotted within a venn-diagram under each concept.
AIVIA in Action
From fully automated vehicles to conventional vehicles using apps or embedded dashboard technology, we believe every vehicle should benefit from orchestrated corridors that move traffic in the most efficient way possible, with a mixed traffic shared road approach.
Enhance current awareness of Ferrovial Technologies with educational
opportunities throughout a CES booth that will not only inform visitors of
the various advantages AIVIA can provide, but also allow them to fully
immerse themselves into a VR experience that brings that real- time
experience to their fi ngertips.
AIVIA Roadmap Testing
Drivers look to roadway innovation experts to increase safety and travel
efficiency in increasingly populated areas. By creating an orchestrated system between vehicles, bikes and pedestrians the community benefits as a whole.
Create an interactive space where visitors can experience not only the
benefi ts of current and future features of AIVIA in a testing track facility
environment, but also have an open forum format that allows them to
voice their opinion regarding certain services or features and provide
further insight into current driver pain points.
In Conclusion...
Ultimately, the client decided not to move forward with this booth build due to budget and timing.
It was a challenge to narrow down all of the immersive technology into a small booth space and still have a cohesive story and user journey.
With CES and Cintra being all about innovation, we are proud to have created an engaging booth design that showcases the leading smart road technology of the future.
© 2023 by Rachel Felber
Email: felber.rachel@gmail.com